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Наші породи та собаки

  • Італійський лягавий собака
    Італійський лягавий собака
  • Бернський зененхунд
    Бернський зененхунд
  • Слюгі

Наш розплідник

Кінологічна організація
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Рік створення

We breed Bernese Mountain dog since 2010 with our kennel name Vardamak in the North- West of Italy.
Since 2020 we have started to breed Bracco Italiano and Sloughi.
All our dogs have DNA profile and DNA test required by the breed and Braccos and Bernese have the X-Ray for Dysplasia of Elbows and Hips.
We breed for passion and with a lot of respect for our dogs.
Our bloodlines are from some of the most famous kennel in all Europe and we work for the best of our breeds, for the character, healthy and standard.

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