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  • Бернський зененхунд
    Бернський зененхунд

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  • Бернський зененхунд
    Бернський зененхунд

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Кінологічна організація
FCI / КСУ (Кінологічна Спілка України) 
Рік створення
Dariia Gordiienko

Our deep love to Bernese mountain dog breed started in 2014 with our dear boy Treu (Diamond Black). Later we got Jasmine (Jasmine Glamorous Girl Iz Charivnoy Skarbnytsy) and finally in 2018 registered our own kennel - Treuer Bär (Faithful Bear). We've got 4 litters since 2016. Some of them belongs to our kennel and others to kennels of other breeders.
We carry a lot about our female's and puppies health and strictly follow all the breeding rules of FCI.
We carry out deep primary socialization of babies for a further comfortable life in society. In our kennel, we also have dogs that have been tested to work as dog therapists.
At the moment we have 6 females in our kennel.
We provide versatile and comprehensive information about puppies breeding.
Feel free to contact us by any convenient messenger (Fb (Daria Gordiienko), WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram +380930177716).

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