Ans Enearian
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Послід Ans Enearian Litter

Матір Батько Дата народження Цуценята в посліді
Carrie Nukka De Lobo Arctic Snow Ans Enearian Alwa­ys Win 10.06.2021 1 собака, 2 суки

Professional kennel of Alaskan Malamutes "Ans Enearian" offers a beautiful puppies ... Incredibly beautiful babies, with a wonderful playful character ... very contact ... Meets all breed qualities! For all questions, please contact WhatsApp +375 33 3022454 The babies parents have all the necessary health tests, and these tests are perfect ... so babies are not only beautiful in appearance, they are also very healthy ... So I want to say that our puppies live all over, therefore, in every corner of the earth, people can give excellent reviews about us .. Also, throughout the puppy's life, we follow him, and we are always in touch and will help at any time if you have any questions .... What's App +375 33 3022454 Welcome to our family "Ans Enearian"


Цуценята в посліді


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