
Toy Love Story

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Наш питомник

Кинологическая организация
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Год создания
Liubov Rybalka

More than 8 years our FCI kennel breed only poodles and do our best to improve this breed. More then 100 clients of kennel are living in Germany, USA, Italy, Puerto-Rico, Serbia, Finland, Croatia, Montenegro, Hungary, Poland, France, Netherlands and Spain.

Kennel is monobreed and we are continiuosly improving quality of our doggies.

One of the main factor that every doggie is in love, getting our attention and care.

We kept dogs in a private house with a special equipmented yard. Regularly we do insect treatment for all doggies, as well as all the necessary tests and vaccinations. Professional groomer regularly takes care of the doggies coat. Up to date, there are sold more than 100 toys and miniature poodles in EU and USA.

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