
Skuhrovský Hrádek

Спросите о щенке
телефон: +420 77 [Покажи номер]

Наши помёты и щенки

  • Бразильский Фила
    Бразильский Фила

Наши породы и собаки

  • Бразильский Фила
    Бразильский Фила

Наш питомник

Кинологическая организация
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Год создания
Josef Vala

Our kennel SKUHROVSKÝ HRÁDEK is engaged in the breeding of Brazilian fils. We have been breeding this noble breed since 1997. At first, we bred fillies just for fun, with no ambitions to develop this breed in Czech Republic. After years of living with these wonderful dogs, we have gained a lot of experience in this direction. We decided to use them and raise our breeding to the highest level. That is why we devoted the greatest care to the selection of a breeding bitch.

Our dogs live freely in the garden with us, we do not keep them in kennels (even if we have one). They occupied the terrace. If you see photos of the garden in the photos, it does not destroy anything :-). They are balanced dogs.

It makes us very happy when we meet our bred puppies at exhibitions. When she competes, we keep our fingers crossed as if she never left us and we are also very happy about their successes. Those who go to shows with our breeders already have a great collection of titles, champions and even a world champion.

Расположение и контакт

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телефон:  +420 77 [Покажи номер]

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