

Спросите о щенке
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Наши помёты и щенки

  • Румынская овчарка Миоритик
    Румынская овчарка Миоритик

Наши породы и собаки

  • Румынская овчарка Миоритик
    Румынская овчарка Миоритик
  • Чау чау
    Чау чау

Наш питомник

Кинологическая организация
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Год создания
Simona Mirescu

We breed Chow Chow and Romanian Mioritic Shepherd since 1992, and we do it for beauty, temper, and quality. We breed to preserve, improve and develop according to the standard, looking very carefully for new owners for our puppies. Most of our dogs are international champions, champions in many countries such as A, FR, HU, PL, CZ, SLO, DE, DK, IT, BE, BG, HR, SRB, etc. With Chow Chow we are proud that we joined and were placed 4th at Crufts:s, European and World Dog Shows, clubs all over Europe. We shall publish this year a book about breeding a Mioritic from a breeder perspective in order to be a helping hand to other breeders or owners. Feel free to ask anything as being a breeder of a rare and native breed - we are open and willing to help you - best data you may get only from a native breeder.
Our males are all open to mate as being tested, as stud males.
thank you for taking your time reading about our kennel and anytime welcome to visit it.

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