
Aksana's Wings

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Наши породы и собаки

  • Тибетский терьер
    Тибетский терьер

Наш питомник

Кинологическая организация
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Год создания
Aksana Kokhan

First kennel Tibetan terrier in Belarus

We strive to produce quality tibetan terrier that are competitive in the show ring, as well as being wonderful family companies.
Our dogs are members of our family. Rarely do we breed a litter, and when we do, the litter is bred for wonderful temperament, health, sound conformation. We believe that every litter should aim to help improve the breed, not just produce more puppies. All breeding stock are tested and health certified .
We're happy to provide referrals for available dogs, as well as answer questions

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