
Z Ledulandu

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Nasze mioty i szczeniaki

  • Jack Russell terrier
    Jack Russell terrier

Nasze rasy i psy

  • Jack Russell terrier
    Jack Russell terrier

Nasza hodowla

Organizacja kynologiczna
FCI / ZKwP (Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce) 
Rok utworzenia
Małgorzata Tymańska

I am a great lover and enthusiast of the Jack Russell Terrier breed <3.By running JRT kennels, I try to do no harm and support the development of the breed.Thanks to my beloved Jack Russell Terrier, I met many wonderful people and breeders, breed experts.More than once I was able to stand with my JRTs on the most important podium and more than once to know the bitterness of defeat !
Breeding pedigree dogs is a nice school of life !! Best regards to all RUSSELLO MANIAKS! Małgosia

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