
The Spirit of Silverhill

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Nasze mioty i szczeniaki

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Nasze rasy i psy

  • Pudel miniaturowy
    Pudel miniaturowy

Nasza hodowla

Organizacja kynologiczna
FCI / ZKwP (Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce) 
Rok utworzenia
Renata Flig

Dogs have been my passion since I was a child, I grew up in a house where a dog has always been a Family Member, I got the respect and love for animals from there.
After starting my life on my own, I decided to choose a poodle - I chose this breed because of their extraordinary intelligence and predisposition to any activity.
Our first female, DAENERYS Angelino Mini (Ciri), joined our family at the end of 2016. After finishing her exhibition career, with very satisfactory achievements, Ciri became a mother of our first litter, which was born in March 2019. Her second litter was born 1.5 years later, at the end of September 2020, all puppies have new families.
Our second girl, SAVANNAH (Ciri's daughter from the first litter), is now over 2 years old, she has really nice show achievements, and just like her mother, she is already tested for all diseases predisposed to the breed.
Both are Champions of several countries, multi BOB Winners and Interchampions.
In our private life, we live in the mountains that we love and where we wander a lot together with our dogs, who share our love for the mountains and accompany us with tireless enthusiasm in every journey.
For the love of the breed and our belonging to the mountains, the name of our kennel was created - The Spirit of Silverhill.
With our way of life, I would like to show this breed from a different angle - I want to break the stereotype of the poodle as a couch dog, I would also like to point out how demanding this breed is and that the poodle is not a dog for everyone.
For more photos of our show achievements as well as those from private life, see my facebook profile - Renata Flig (The Spirit of Silverhill).

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