
Royal Hermelin

Zapytaj o szczeniaka
tel: +420 77 [Pokaż numer]

Nasze mioty i szczeniaki

W tej hodowli nie dodano jeszcze miotów

Nasze rasy i psy

  • Dalmatyńczyk

Nasza hodowla

Organizacja kynologiczna
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Rok utworzenia
Monika Sedláčková

The Royal Hermelin kennel was founded in June 2000.
He is dedicated exclusively to the breeding of the Dalmatian breed.
In our breeding we mainly rely on the good health and temperaments of our breeding dogs.
Our dogs and our litters won many show titles, but also passed many performance tests.
We imported our litters to many countries around the world, where they successfully participated in the breeding.

Lokalizacja i kontakt


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