

Pregunta por un cachorro
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Nuestras camadas y cachorros

  • American Cocker Spaniel
    American Cocker Spaniel

Nuestro perros y razas

  • American Cocker Spaniel
    American Cocker Spaniel

Nuestro criadero

Organización cinológica
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Año de creación
Kornélia Tankovics

We breed from the best healthy American bloodlines. Since 2016!
All of our dogs: PRA: N / N, clear
Eye examination: CEA, RD, PHTVL/PHPV, Katarakta, PRA, lens luxury,primer glaucoma, dyspl.lig.Pect., distichiasis,trichiasis,entropium, ektropium, mikrophatalmia
patella 0/0
HD: A 

We attaches great importance to the health and structure of the parent animals and good temperament. Every generation is free from all diseases.
We or our good friend(who is a legally transporrter) will bring you the puppy! Door to Door! I am 100% to trust our friend too.
Worldwide shipping is possible!
If you have any question please feel free to contact us on WhatsApp or by phone (+3670/6029272)
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/KoriCockers-Kennel-334695354608287/reviews/?ref=bookmarks&mt_nav=0&paipv=1
or email!

Localización y contacto

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2021 1 Club Spaniel KlubShow


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