

Pregunta por un cachorro
tel: +36 20 [Muestra el número]

Nuestras camadas y cachorros

  • Chow Chow
    Chow Chow

Nuestro perros y razas

  • Chow Chow
    Chow Chow

Nuestro criadero

Organización cinológica
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Año de creación
Péter Bézi

The Bézivári kenel
We were engaged in chow breeding in the 1980s.
There was a stop from 2005, we stopped for family reasons.
From 2020 we started breeding under the same name, Bézivári.
I think it’s important that the dogs get to the right place.
We currently have 2 girl dogs, our dogs live with the family,
Our kennel is located in Budapest, Hungary
+36 20 465 84 22

Localización y contacto

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