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Westend Park

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phone: +48 60 [Show number]

Our litters and puppies

  • Russian Hunting Sighthound (Borzoi)
    Russian Hunting Sighthound (Borzoi)

Our breeds and dogs

  • Russian Hunting Sighthound (Borzoi)
    Russian Hunting Sighthound (Borzoi)

Our kennel

Kennel Club
FCI / ZKwP (Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce) 
Year of establishment
Zbigniew Waligora

We are a newly established small family kennel formed out of our love for the Borzoi breed and the wish for our two beautiful dogs to produce litter that others will love as much as we do. In mid September 2021, the first breeding of Dasza and Maksim produced 11 healthy puppies.
For those who already have other animals, please note that in our home, in addition to the Borzois, we also have a cat and a small Bolognese dog - the two Borzois are well accustomed to their company and we intend to expose the Borzoi litter to the other pets as soon as possible to ensure early socialisation.

Location and contact details

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