
Striped Magic

Frag nach einem Welpen
Tel.: +36 20 [Nummer anzeigen]

Unsere Würfe und Welpen

  • Holländischer Schäferhund
    Holländischer Schäferhund

Unsere Rassen und Hunde

  • Holländischer Schäferhund
    Holländischer Schäferhund
Adver - Zucht

Unsere Zucht

Kynologische Gesellschaft
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Norbert Kasza

We believe that the most important aspect of dog breeding is the preservation of the given breed. We must take into consideration all external and internal characteristics, and it is very important that a given bitch and male fit together in all respects: appearance, temperament, and individual characteristics.

As the Dutch Shepherd is a very versatile breed, we consider it important to not select them for one specific task, but to preserve this versatility as much as possible. For breeding, it is also essential to perform complete health testing, breed specific breeding qualification, tests/exams, as well as have show results.


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