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Naomi di Val Ravanaga Antonio od Zelene Nadeje 28.03.2021 2 собаки, 3 суки

We are extremely happy and finally we can confirm We are expecting Puppies between Naomi @ Antonio - end of March.

DAM: NAOMI di Val Ravanaga ( KYARA di Val Ravanaga & ICARO di Val Ravanaga)- Italy –Best resultes for X-raye: HD-A. Active and working dog.

SIR: ANTONIO od Zelene Nadeje ( BRITANY od Nebeskey Brany & Polcevera’s GARBO) X-rayed with best results HD- A and ED-0/0. Czech . Working dog.
Both Naomi and Antonio are well-heeled, spirited, friendly and very socialized dogs.

We really believe in great combination of them. We are looking for loving an active homes for them!

For more info contact us on: arturlis71@gazeta.pl or 0048 600-438-058
Or visit our FB page

Щенки в помёте

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