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KARI Deabei Ch.Tr.CHARON Deabei 16.06.2023 3 собаки, 6 сук

Little Rockets - a unique, purely working connection and the last possibility from Ch.Tr. Charon Deabei.

Ch.Tr.Charon Deabei - a unique dog who has been in the IGP world for a long time, and at the highest competitions.
As the only Tervueren so far he holds the title Czech Champion of Labour, 5xCACT
FMBB World Championship - 23rd place 2019
Czech Championship BO - 5th place, Czech Championship FCI -5th place 2018
FMBB World Championship 2018
FCI World Championship 2018 - as the first and so far as the only participant of Tervueren variety for the Czech Republic
And what is Charon like? besides the fact that he wins the heart of everyone who gets to know him.
He is a strong hearted dog. With a slightly ring head, a prey dog with fully natural bites. Always devoted to his owner, stable in character with 100% confidence in his performance, work and precision.

His children rolled at the FMBB World Championships 2023 this year.
Arten Maltegro - 10th place in the regular part, then 17th place in the final (3rd place team) (Ch.Tr.Charon Deabei x Gaika Elmar Slovakia)
Apple Deabie - 7th place (2nd place team) (Ch.Tr.Charon Deabei x Finka Deabie)

Kari Debai - is also our female, less than 3 years young with BH-VT in preparation for IGP and canicross.
I waited so long, hoping to have a female for Charon. (his opposite) Kari is a drive bitch, always with 100% commitment. She excels in her athleticism, has incredibly high jumps and huge space in the canter. Temperamental, willing and strong retriever. More dominant in nature, yet easy to handle even in defences where she is punchy, tough.
No need to describe her more, " Come Check this video " which is attached to this post and you can see her working in all 3 disciplines, canicross and fantastic jumps!!

Only for people who know what a working Belgian will need - they will be amazing for all sorts of dog sports.


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