
Fuego Eterno

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Nasze mioty i szczeniaki

  • Beagle

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  • Beagle
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Organizacja kynologiczna
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Rok utworzenia
Jegors Gaudzels

Welcome to Fuego Eterno, a beagle kennel located in Latvia. We are passionate about breeding high-quality beagles that are not just beautiful, but also healthy and well-socialized.

Our beagles are raised in a private house with a yard, where they are able to play and socialize with each other. Although we are located within the city, we make sure to expose our dogs to different sounds and people to ensure proper socialization. Our puppies are potty trained and live with humans in the house, which helps them become accustomed to being around people.

We take the health of our beagles seriously and have tested them for genetic disorders like MLS through Laboklin. In addition, we have had their eye health tested and all results have been clear.

As a show enthusiast, we would love it if our new owners participated in dog shows. We have experience working as a handler, so we can provide show training and even show our puppies in dog shows.

Our kennel is FCI registered, which means that we follow the highest standards in breeding and raising our beagles. We are passionate about dogs and it shows in the care and attention we give to each and every one of our beagles.

Thank you for considering Fuego Eterno for your next beagle!

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