Nasze mioty i szczeniaki
- Cane corso
- 4 psy | 5 suk | Data miotu: 07.08.2021
Nasze rasy i psy
- Maltańczyk
- Pudel Toy
- Cane corso
- Pies | ur. 28.03.2019
- Suka | ur. 26.03.2017
- Suka | ur. 21.03.2020
- Pies | ur. 06.04.2020
Nasza hodowla
Organizacja kynologiczna
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale
Rok utworzenia
Andrea Fodor
Fronzolo kennel is located in a 1-acre grassy, wooded area. Included. 500m² closed kennel, and there is the huge free area where dogs can move freely