
De' Bardini

Zapytaj o szczeniaka
tel: +39 331 [Pokaż numer]

Nasze mioty i szczeniaki

W tej hodowli nie dodano jeszcze miotów

Nasze rasy i psy

  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
    Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Bulterier

Nasza hodowla

Organizacja kynologiczna
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale 
Rok utworzenia
Matilde Bardini

Me and my boyfriend Artur are Bull terrier and staffordshire bull terrier breeder and lover. we care about the happiness and health of our dogs. we care about the happiness and health of our dogs. We breed with love and passion for these two beautiful breeds. We were both born and raised with dogs, always passionate from the world of cynophilia and we have been attending both national and international dog shows for many years. We boast of titles and awards worldwide.

Lokalizacja i kontakt


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