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Terra Civis
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Angel in Terra Civis

Angel in Terra Civis

Mother Father Date of birth
Angel O`Check Lim Po Po Muso Grazioso Edgar King of Life 22.10.2019
Sable + White
Wurftag : 22 Oktober 2019
Grösse 30cm
Gewicht 6kg

Breeding License by Club Exotische Rassehunde e.V VDH / FCI



DM – PCR = Genotyp N/N ( Exon2 ) PLL-PCR = Genotyp N/N
prcd-PRA – PCR = Genotyp N/N (A)
rcd3-PRA-PCR = Genotyp N/N
PL = 0/0

DNA by Laboklin

Clear by Parents : PLL = Genotyp N/N
prcd-Pra = Genotyp N/N (A)
PL = 0/0
Hyperurikocurie = Genotyp N/N
Degenerative Myelopathie = Genotyp N/N (Exon2)
Maligne Hyperthermie = Genotyp N/N
Parents DNA Tests by Laboklin

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