Ergo Amazing Team
Mother | Father | Date of birth | Number of pedigree |
MICHELLE My Gal-Bull | UNIVERSE Ten Years After | 16.06.2018 | PKR. IX-84453 |
mocna sylwetka, zwarty, głowa graniasta, mocna kufa
Certyfikat CWC/CAC
Certyfikat CWC/CAC
RTG bioder
RTG kolan
RTG kręgosłupa
DNA - Profile-PCR
USG serca
RTG kolan
RTG kręgosłupa
DNA - Profile-PCR
USG serca
Year | Place won | Score | Class | Exhibition rank | Place of exhibition | Judge |
2020 | 4 | exce | Intermediary | International | Bydgoszcz | Anna Albrigo |
2021 | 1 | exce | Open | International | Bydgoszcz | Ewa Stolarskaa |
2021 | 1 | exce | Open | National | Ostróda | ANNA DZIDT |