The dog of this breed is the most recognizable dog in the world. It is noble, intelligent and also beautiful. The German Shepherd is descended from Old German Shepherd Dogs, and the creator of this breed was Captain Max von Stephanitz. Unfortunately, after World War II, sheepdogs were associated with the brutality of the Nazis. Therefore, so that the breed was not badly associated, it was called the Alsatian Shepherd in Great Britain and in the Alsatian countries.
Over time, the image of the German Shepherd Dog improved and its former name returned. Initially, all puppies that deviated from the standard were eliminated from breeding, including long-haired and white dogs. Over the years, two new breeds have emerged: the White Swiss Shepherd and the German Shepherd Long-haired. Initially, such puppies found their way into the hands of enthusiasts or breeders who founded their own associations or clubs. Officially, the German Shepherd Long-haired was recognized as a breed only on January 1st, 2011.
Life expectancy: 11 - 14 years
Height at the withers: male 60 - 65 cm
Height at the withers: female 55 - 60 cm
Weight of the male 30 - 40 kg
Weight of the female 22 - 32 kg
The German Shepherd Long-haired is a medium-sized dog, with a slightly elongated but compact body, well-muscled. It is a dog with a harmonious build with a perfect and balanced temperament. It is a very intelligent dog, has great reflexes, speed and agility, which is why it is classified as a herding dog. The German Shepherd Dog Long-haired can be both a great family pet and can be used in extremely demanding conditions as a service dog. It is ideal for finding drugs or explosives as a patrol and tracking dog, and is an excellent guide for disabled or blind people. The German Shepherds are dogs that are absolutely devoted to their owner.
These dogs learn easily and willingly. Having a Shepherd Dog, it is worth starting training from puppy age and showing your pet what is allowed and what is not. A young German Shepherd Dog, left alone, can make a lot of trouble. It is worth taking it with you for walks around the city, where there are cars, cyclists and larger groups of people. You need to get it used, like other races, to the world around.
The German Shepherd Dog should be balanced in behavior, gentle and calm, but also sharp and determined when the situation requires it. Therefore, you should pay attention to what kennel you will buy a cute little ball from. In good breeding, the individuals to be mated with each other are carefully selected, both in terms of psyche and health. Unfortunately, due to the great popularity of this breed, dogs are bred by random breeders, without any breeding license. Dogs can then be hyperactive, aggressive, fearful, with serious behavioral and health disorders.
The care of the German Shepherd Dog Long-haired requires a lot of time from the future owner. It should be regularly brushed with a standard brush or comb, the so-called rakes. As with most breeds, sheepdogs also shed, which should be considered when choosing this breed. While brushing, it is also worth checking the dog's ears to see if they are red and if there is an unpleasant smell coming out of them. Brush your dog after a walk to get rid of dry leaves and small twigs that like to cling to its long hair.
The correct and actual colour of coat of the German Shepherd Dog is:
- black and tan
- wolfish gray and black
The skin is not very close fitting and without folds. The German Shepherds Long-haired have a long and soft top coat, which is not close-lying. It is longer on the ears and feet. Profuse longer hair on the back of the dog's thighs, so called 'pants', is characteristic. The tail is profusely hairy with hanging hair. The hair on the neck is long and almost creates a ruff. There is feathering on the back sides of the forelimbs to the wrist.
The German Shepherd Dog should be characterized by good health and high resistance to adverse weather conditions. Unfortunately, this is a breed that is prone to dysplasia of both the elbow and hip joints. During the period of vigorous growth, juvenile osteitis is common and manifests itself as lameness. There are also food allergies and a stomach twist, which is especially dangerous for the dog.
Like all dogs of the breed, the German Shepherd Dog Long-haired also needs a good food. The shelves in stores are full of different types of food. It must be remembered that the composition of the given food should not contain grains, and that the first items should include e.g. fresh turkey meat or dried turkey meat. For puppies, the food should contain 27% to 30% protein. Too much of it in the food can significantly accelerate the growth and development of the dog, which in turn may adversely affect the proper development of joints and cartilage. We should avoid foods that contain bone meal or animal by-products.
The Barf diet is also a very good solution. This method of nutrition is based on giving the dog raw meat, offal, eggs, meat bones and fish. These products supply your dog with amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. The Barf means variety, the more different types of meat and giblets, the better for our pet. The bowl can also contain vegetables and fruits, which will provide the body with fiber and small amounts of carbohydrates. This diet does not include the so-called fillers: rice, pasta or groats. It should be remembered that unprocessed meat free of dyes and artificial preservatives, provided that it is purchased from a legal and proven source, provides the right amount of bacteria and enzymes, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the dog's body. This method of nutrition has a great influence on the appearance and condition of the dog so it is worth getting acquainted with it in detail.
Choosing the right diet is very important, especially during periods of intense growth. If we decide to feed the German Shepherd with dry food or the Barf, remember that the meal should be well-balanced so that it provides the necessary nutrients responsible for the proper development of the young organism. When determining the diet, we have to also take into account the dog's lifestyle.