Border Squad
Frag nach einem Welpen
Tel.: +48 88 [Nummer anzeigen]

Wurf Y

Mutter Vater Geburtsdatum Welpen in einem Wurf
MISSISSIPI RIVER Dajavera (FCI ,,MISSI" Enonae DEMI MERLOT 17.02.2021 1 RĂŒde, 2 HĂŒndinnen

Mississipi River Dajavera
Coat color: black- white,
Carrier: ee red
HD: A ED: 0/0
Shoulder OCD – free
CEA, PRA, KAT - eyes are
clear (2015, 2019)
DNA CEA, NCL – normal
DNA TNS – carrier
DNA MDR 1 – normal
DNA SN - normal
DNA IGS – normal
DNA RS - normal
DNA Glaucoma, Gonioscopy - carrier
Heart - clear
Teeth: full dentition
PT 1, herding instinct test,
obedience, tricks.
MƂ. Ch.Pl., Ch.Pl
Enonae Demi Merlot
Coat color: ee red merle
HD: A ED: 0/0
Shoulder OCD - free,
CEA, PRA, KAT - eyes are clear (2018, 2019,
DNA CEA, NCL, TNS - normal
DNA MDR 1 - normal
DNA SN – normal
DNA IGS – normal
DNA DM – normal
DNA PLL - normal
DNA Cystinuria type II- normal
DNA RS - normal
DNA Glaucoma, Gonioscopy - normal
DNA Canine Malignant Hypertherm - normal
DNA Hiplaxity 1, Hiplaxity 2 - normal
DNA Hyperuricemia (HUU) – normal
Certificate of Cardiovascular Examination-
allowed to breed
DNA Profile
Teeth: full dentition


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