American Akita ALL FOR ALMIGHTY kennel
Frag nach einem Welpen
Tel.: +380 97 [Nummer anzeigen]

Wurf Litter M

Mutter Vater Geburtsdatum Welpen in einem Wurf

ALMIGHTY AKITAS (KSU | FCI) presents an American Akita puppies. Born on October 7, 2021. Litter from titled parents from Russian kennels.

Father from INDEVOR kennel, mother from SIBERIAN HUNTER kennel. Father's parents - International Champions and producers of International Champions, multi-champions, EURASIA winners, origin from Melodor (UK), Buckridge (USA), Alchemist (USA) kennels, multiple BEST in SHOW winners at dog show in different countries, giving invariably healthy strong offspring.

page of the litter on our website: www.amakitakennel.com/puppies/07-10-21-yukon/

puppy pedigree: https://www.pedigreedatabase.com/akita/dog.html?id=3126158-all-for-almighty-milky-way?_v=20211209101318

puppy video: https://youtu.be/hi93jsfr_yM

On our site you can find a lot of additional information and videos about our American Akitas.

The puppy is very powerful, like all dogs from the kennels of the parents, with a good undercoat. Strong bones, excellent head, strong legs with regular angles, wide and deep chest, broad back and good temperament are inherited, dark mask without blisters. Grown with love.

The puppy is registered in the kennel club, the bite is correct, the testes are complete, microchipped, vaccinated with complex vaccines according to the scheme, the veterinary passport and the puppy's card for exchange for a pedigree. Promising for exhibitions and breeding.

We deliver to the countries of EUROPE, CANADA with verified carriers. Delivery outside Ukraine is paid by the buyer separately.

Always in touch with the owners of their graduates!

contact with the breeder
+380993766001 - ELENA BOLOZOVICH - Viber, WhatsApp

+380979139314 - OLENA CHEKALINA - Viber, WhatsApp - elen.chekalina@gmail.com

Litter M
Adver - Zucht

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